Template Storage - Back in Stock Subscription Email Template

Template Storage - Back in Stock Subscription Email Template Overview

The Back in Stock Subscription Email Template allows the owner to create a specifically formatted notification email that will be sent to a customer when their particular item of interest is out of stock.

Template Storage - Back in Stock Subscription Email Template Fields

  1. Template: This box should contain all HTML that comprises the Back in Stock Subscription Email Template. It should utilize the keywords defined below.

Template Storage - Back in Stock Subscription Email Template Properties

  1. Choose Template Type: Select the type of template you choose to create.
  2. Enter Template Name: The name of your template.
  3. ID: A unique number value automatically assigned for the purpose of individuality and identification.
  4. User: Shows whether the owner of the template is a particular user or all the users of the system. If all the users are owners of the same template then an icon Valid for all Users will be shown. This property also specifies which users will be able to see and access the item.
  5. Theme: Currently unavailable.
  6. Name: A title or description for the template assigned by the user in order to differentiate it from other templates in the storage.

Template Storage - Back in Stock Subscription Email Template Functions

  1. New Template: Click to view the New Template panel.
  2. Edit: Selecting this function will open the contents of the Back in Stock Subscription Email Template for viewing purposes or to make alterations.
  3. Del: Deletes the Back in Stock Subscription Email Template from the Template Storage. Use with caution. Once done, it cannot be undone.

Template Storage - Back in Stock Subscription Email Template Keywords

Keywords available for store data:

  1. STORE_DATE_YEAR: Will automatically be replaced with the current year.
  2. STORE_DATE: Will automatically be replaced with the current date(Day Month Year).
  3. STORE_NAME: Will automatically be replaced with the store name.
  4. STORE_URL: Will automatically be replaced with the URL of the store.
  5. STORE_LINK: Will automatically be replaced with the HTML link of the store.
  6. STORE_EMAIL: Will automatically be replaced with the address of the store.
  7. STORE_PHONE: Will automatically be replaced with the phone number of the store.
  8. STORE_OWNER_NAME: Will automatically be replaced with the store owner's full name.
  9. STORE_LOGIN_URL: Will automatically be replaced with the URL of the member login page.

Keywords available for product data:

  1. PRODUCT_NAME: Will automatically be replaced with the product name.
  2. PRODUCT_URL: Will automatically be replaced with the product URL.
  3. PRODUCT_LINK: Will automatically be replaced with the link to the product's web page.